Doing logical things

Jimmy and I are getting married in less than two weeks. You would think I’m up to my eyeballs in wedding-related errands. I am. I somehow found myself with a few hours to myself yesterday. What did I do?

Did I make a honeymoon packing list? Did I send song requests to the DJ? Did I get the bridesmaid’s gifts together? Did I… you get the point. The answer is no, I didn’t do anything wedding-related. Instead, I made everything bagels. So logical, right?

Bagels 1

Sometimes you just have to do something that doesn’t even slightly have anything to do with what you should be doing. Whatsoever. At all. You know what? It feels pretty good! Plus, I was able to cross bagels off of my baking bucket list. Woot woot!

Bagels 2 Bagels 3 Bagels 4

I used this recipe, and it was pretty simple. I read some reviews and didn’t keep the bagels in the oven for the full 20 minutes. I also opted to boil the bagels in honey water because I read that it gave them a crisp crust.

Bagels 5 Bagels 7 Bagels 6Bagels 8

I probably don’t have to tell you that these made my kitchen smell so good. Seriously, though… it smelled like a yeasty-sweet bagel factory. That’s totally a thing 😉

Bagels 9 Bagels 10

Of course bagels pair wonderfully with cream cheese, but Hannah wanted me to share her favorite bagel sandwich recipe: everything bagel + cream cheese + bacon. Let me know if you give it a try–my whole family is addicted!



  1. I’ve made bagels before too and it was such a fun procedure. I’d never poached anything before so it made me feel very professional!

  2. oh gosh, these look delicious. whenever i’m overwhelmed with an enormous to-do list, i stop everything and bake or craft — sounds illogical, but helps me feel ‘me’ again 🙂

  3. You’re seriously tempting me to try making bagels! Yours look wonderful. And it’s a great idea to take some time off before the wedding to do something totally unrelated. You must be so excited, now that it’s near!

  4. You are awesome! I totally agree- when you’re busy with things, sometimes you’ve gotta take a break for yourself and do something you want to do! I’ve only used yeast successfully ONCE, and that was with help. I want to try making English muffins!

  5. Oh my my… why do you live too far for a bagel trip from me? I’d pop in! Seriously, these look so yummy. I have my Thursday tradition. I get off from work. Go get a whole grain bagel from the grocery store’s fresh baked goods section and eat that before my zumba class. And every time it makes me happy:) You’re right in not getting stressed about your wedding. I didn’t and all went well. It is about celebrating God’s blessing and loved ones, and you two, the rest will follow. But if you get into negative mode, nothing will feel good.

  6. Baking bagels is definitely logical, for sure! 🙂 AND it’s on my bucket list too, but I’ve yet to do it. Yours look absolutely delicious, and I can only imagine how wonderful they smelled. YUM!! 🙂

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