Close to home

Yesterday was a tough day. I was (and still am) extremely saddened to hear about the stabbings at Franklin Regional High School. I don’t even know what to say, really.

I live about 10 minutes from Franklin Regional, and know a lot of people who live in the area. My sister-in-law graduated from that school. I know students of all ages who currently attend school there. I went to football games and swam in swim meets at Franklin Regional when I was in high school. I spend time in Murrysville (the town of the school) at least 2-3 times a week.

This has even has definitely hit close to home.

It’s one thing to hear about events like this  on the news, but to know–really know–the people that are impacted. Wow. It’s beyond words.

I have been doing a lot of praying. For the suspect, the victims, and the families that are now fearful to send their children to a school district that has always seemed safe. It’s just really, really sad.

There’s not much more for me to say. I just ask that you would keep everyone involved in your prayers.


  1. I saw that yesterday when I was working. Very sad and scary. I’m sure if something like that happened at one of the schools here, even if I didn’t know anyone who was personally a victim, that I would be affected too. I will be remembering everyone involved in the incident as well as those who are indirectly affected. So sad.

  2. I agree. I couldn’t continue to watch the news about it. I too have been praying for all of those involved.

  3. Things like this are so difficult already, but when they hit close to home, it becomes even more difficult. Praying for you and for this community right now!

  4. Whenever I hear about shootings or other violence in the US, it just saddens me so deeply. A country that I love so much is going on such a regrettable road. I don’t know what else to say. It’s just too shocking. I’ll be of course praying for you. Seek refuge in God. You know you are living your life the way you should. The rest is up to God. Hugs!

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