Reviewing My Goals for 2013

I am one of “those people” that likes to set goals when a new year begins. I do this mostly to challenge myself to grow and step outside my comfort zone. I love looking back and seeing if I achieved any or all of my goals, so here’s a look at how I stacked up to the goals I set in 2013.

2013 Life Goals:
1. Do things that scare me.
I went horseback riding, flew in an airplane, and competed in a triathlon.
2. Bake more.
Imagine if I linked to every single post with a picture of baked goods. Haha!! I’m most proud of baking over 1,000 cookies for my brother’s wedding in July.
3. Travel as much as possible.
I visited the Outer Banks, NC, Ohiopyle, PA, Wheeling, WV, and St. Petersburg, FL. I didn’t get a chance to travel to Savannah, GA (my dream destination), but there’s always 2014!


Horseback Riding in North Carolina

2013 Spiritual Goals:
1. Attend more church activities.
I went to movie night, worked at Vacation Bible School, attended the Fall Revival and Apple Fellowship, and went Christmas caroling.
2. Figure out a “prayer schedule.”
I write in my journal, read my Bible, and pray every morning. I’m so happy that I carved out a specific time each day to spend with God.
3. Speak Jimmy’s love language more.
I made sure to show Jimmy that I love him in a few different ways. I sent him cards and letters, surprised him at work, and baked special treats for him. I think I did alright since we’re engaged now ;).

VBS 2013

Vacation Bible School 2013

2013 Fitness Goals:
1. Participate in a triathlon, half marathon, or full marathon.
I competed in a triathlon in July and ran a half marathon in March. No full marathon yet!
2. Stretch more.
I envisioned myself attending yoga classes, but this goal wasn’t a total fail because I now make time to stretch when I go to the gym!

Hannah and after the half marathon I ran in March.

Hannah and after the half marathon I ran in March.

I think I did pretty good at achieving my goals for 2013. I’m excited to share what my goals are for 2014 in the near future!

Do you set goals or make resolutions at the start of a new year?


  1. You did great with your goals. Heck, you even opened an Etsy shop for business/granola… I’d say you really accomplished the baking.

    Full marathons are kinda overrated ;). I think it’s awesome you did a tri and a half, those are great! You have plenty of years to run a full if you want to.

    1. Thanks, Amy!! Yay to all of the baking for sure, haha!

      I bet you are sick of full marathons (at least for a while)! You’re right.. I have plenty of time to achieve that goal. No rush 🙂

      1. Yeah- I ran one full, but I did a few half marathons last year… 3, actually. I am only planning for 2 half marathons this year (one of which I’m pacing), and no fulls. Short distances are good… running a marathon takes a lot of patience. I had an older guy tell me that during my marathon. He said that’s why most people running that marathon had gray hair (lol), and I think he’s right. The training for a full takes patience and a lot more discipline that I’m willing to put in at this stage of my life myself.

  2. I’m completely obsessed with goals and resolutions. I also believe in a simple and minimal lifestyle, and people in that camp usually poo poo resolutions, but I love them! I am definitely having yoga on my list this year. I keep reading that it’s excellent for controlling stress, and I need to see if that’s really true.

  3. What a year! So much traveling 🙂 I think you’re the only person I know who nailed almost all of their goals. Here’s to an even more exciting 2014 🙂

  4. Just way your comment…I don’t think I will be doing that race 😦 Not sure, though. I don’t think we will be able to make it home for Easter considering we will be running back and forth to Pittsburgh a lot as the wedding draws nearer.

    What a great job you did on your goals! I am so excited still for you and your engagement 🙂

  5. You really did well in 2013, Allie! So many great accomplishments. I don’t even have a baking goal 🙂
    I haven’t made any big goals yet, but plan to put a few down. The biggie is still a 50k.. but it might take time to get to it.

  6. Way to go, Allie! I love how intentional you are about how you live your life. 🙂 What a great year 2013 was! I am excited about all the things 2014 holds for you!

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